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Cómo reducir el estrés

Dile Adios Al Estrés

Hey sexy mama! Life can be quite challenging and you might be secretly wishing you could call it quits on all the things that are driving you loca, loca, loca, loca. I know you hear me 😉 Por eso hoy comparto varias formas para quitarte un poquito ese estrés.


Personally, there have been days I’ve felt so overwhelmed I’ve actually fantasized about how convenient it would be to have a magical “Portkey” like Harry Potter. My enchanted Porkey would ideally wisk me away to a deserted island where I would relax beneath the swaying palm trees while staring at the clear blue water with nothing else to do but drink agua de coco con rum. Maybe I’d add a little Bachata to my musical background. Oh, the bliss.


Pero poco a poco he aprendido that we can fight back stress with the little things. These little things can help us get through the craziest days. Por eso escribí este episodio: 5 Ways to Reduce Stress without having to call it quits on your whole life. I hear a little refrain playing in the back of my head now: It’s the little things that matter; it’s the little things that count…


Check out the episode. Creo que vas a descubrir que tenemos opciones cuando nos sentimos al borde de un breakdown:


MCG_color_Isotipo First, take a mini time out…  before loosing your cool. If you happen to be at work, pretend you need to go to the bathroom. Go there and do some deep breathing exercises to reset for five minutes. If your patience is running thin, try breathing deeply and repeat to yourself: I want to be patient. Repeat it again as an affirmation and with conviction: I want to be patient. Or perhaps someone is giving you a hard time and you are one step away from telling them off. Say to yourself: I want to be kind. I want to be kind and speak words of kindness. Mira, yo se que suena silly y un poco chistoso, pero funciona. Pruébalo!


MCG_color_Isotipo Dos, recite your gratitude list y en voz alta. Quick, list five things that you are grateful for right now. We all have something to be grateful for. And keep it simple. Da gracias a Dios por tu almuerzo, por el sol que brilla hoy, por la sonrisa que te brindaron en el ascensor, X. It’s all about changing the pattern of thought from negative to positive.


MCG_color_Isotipo Next, on those super stressful days, be mindful of what you listen to on the radio or watch on TV. Por ejemplo, normalmente cuando estoy en el carro yo escucho mi estación de pop Latino y reggaeton. Pero en días de mucho estrés escucho solamente la música clásica. Why? Because I've found it calms me down… big time. I also stay away from watching the news during those days and instead tune in to a motivational podcast.


MCG_color_Isotipo Cuatro, schedule that “me time” on your calendar… literally. Whether it's to take a bubble bath, read a good book, or to go exercise. Tienes que ponerte como prioridad en esa lista enorme de “TO DO.” And ask your family to respect this “me time.” Quizás eso significa levantarte una hora mas temprano o acostarte una hora mas tarde. Dependiendo on whether you're an early bird or a night-hawk like me.


MCG_color_Isotipo Finalmente, empieza a planificar tus próximas vacaciones. This will keep you motivated and it will have you looking forward to your upcoming adventure. Cancun? New York? Or perhaps plan a “staycation” to save some money and explore the city you live in like you never have before. Did you know 27% of Americans don't take vacation? Que horror. Experts agree this is not healthy. Everyone needs a break from the routine. Don’t you think?


Let's be Mamas Con Ganas


TWITTER GREEN1452773133_Ui-32Tweetea: Unlock your natural desires by doing what you enjoy. – Hans Selye @MamasConGanas #metime


Ahí lo tienen. Happy unstressing! I know we can all use a little bit of that.


Si te gusta este episodio, compártelo mamacita! Quizás una amiga tuya lo necesita.


Y cuéntame. I’d totally love to know… Como manejas tu el estrés? Me encantaría saber detalles, ideas y mas. Sharing is caring. Ay! Eso me salió super corny. Lol. The point is, your story might just help another mamacita going through something similar.


Si no lo has hecho todavía, suscríbete a nuestro canal de Mamas Con Ganas TV en YouTube y búscanos en social media @mamasconganas We are infinitely grateful for all your support.


Y recuerda. Screen Shot 2016-01-13 at 1.05.15 PMDon’t be a mama con drama. Let’s be Mamas Con Ganas! Screen Shot 2016-01-13 at 1.05.22 PM

Un besote,


Note: Comparte tus ideas, experiencias, preguntas y o comentarios sobre este episodio below. Share your tips mamacita but please no spammy links.

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Inspiring and empowering Latinas con humor y positivismo. Aquí se habla Espanglish. Don't be a mama con drama. Let's be Mamas Con Ganas!