On this week's podcast I talk about how to tap into your intuitive self and how to strengthen your intuition.
It's an invitation to start listening to your divine intelligence so you can make better decisions and step into a state where things flow naturally.
Listen to episode here 👇👇👇
Interestingly enough, I recorded this over two years ago. However, for some strange reason I never got around to releasing it. Well, I found it this week as I was organizing files on my computer.
Immediately, I was taken aback by the timeless message I had recorded. I believe in divine timing and perhaps this is God’s timing because never has there been a better moment to release a podcast on intuition.
The message that I share is very dear to my heart because for a very long time after my divorce I struggled to even recognize the difference between my intuition and the voice of just plain fear.
I know I'm not alone in this. Many people struggle to differentiate between the different voices in their head after experiencing traumatic events.
We wonder: “Is this my intuition and higher self or is it just my ego and fear creeping in?”
For years I remember wondering if I could go back to trusting my judgements and decisions. I would question my ability to decide anything and it was very exhausting.
Over time, as I paid attention to the thoughts in my head, I gradually started to notice patterns and recognize when my intuition, aka higher self, was speaking. Some people call this voice the Holy Spirit.
Anyways, my intuition is telling me to share this message with you now. I hope it sheds some light or at least gets you started on a journey for self discovery.
Tap Into Your Intuition: Discover Your Divine Intelligence
I believe we all have a divine intelligence that we can tap into when we trust in ourselves and ask to be guided by the divine.
Listen to the episode and find out:
- How to recognize your intuitive voice.
- The difference between the fear and a warning coming from wisdom within.
- How to strengthen your intuition.
This is the first time I talk about what some may consider a “woo woo” topic. However, experience has taught me that some things are not in the realm of reason or methodology.
Some things are mystical and in the realm of the divine.
Listen to the episode and let me know: Do you know how to recognize your intuitive voice? Do you have an experience with regards to the power of intuition?
Here's to getting to know yourself better and following your gut.
P.S. If you liked this episode you might want to check out this gem. 💎
P.P.S. Here's another interesting article on how to tap into your intuition.
Yo pasé por un divorcio terrible ya hace unos años también y cuesta mucho reconocer los miedos y la confianza. Me alegro que rescataras este material de tus archivos. Seguro le será muy útil a muchas personas.
Gracias Veronica! Me alegro que te gustó. Creo que algunas veces no nos damos cuenta que nuestras experiencias le pueden servir a los demás y que es solo en compartir que logramos ayudar a los demás.
Rosanna Mancino
Mamas con ganas! genial este post que nos compartes…. I really enjoy it! estaba buscando algo que me diga que mi inturición es real, aprenderé a escuchar más mi voz interior y hacerla valer. MIl gracias
Bravo! Me dejas saber si descubres algo nuevo en tu trayectoria 🙂
Blanca D
What an interesting topic. I think I’m not the best at this intuition thing as I should. Still learning to listen more to my feelings (gut) since I had never “listen” a voice itself.
When I talk about a voice I’m referring to the thoughts that run through our mind constantly. We are always talking to ourselves with random thoughts. These thoughts are sometimes useful and other times these thoughts can be disempowering. That’s why paying attention to the things we tell ourselves is so important… so we can decide to tell ourselves a more empowering story if needed. Because in the end, we become what we believe 🙂
Silvia Martinez
Un tema muy interesante porque creo que muy pocas personas le dan la importancia necesaria. Lo digo por mi misma también porque la mayoría del tiempo cuando ando a la carrera no lo escucho, pero cuando estoy tranquila, serena, medito me empiezo a dar cuenta que la intuición me llama y aparece mas. Y eso me ayuda.
Si! Creo que nos pasa a todas 🙂
Me parece un plan súper interesante, Las mujeres siempre tenemos desarrollado ese sexto sentido de la intuición, aunque a veces también son nuestros sentimientos y nuestras inseguridades o desconfianza me encantó leerte
Gracias Monica. Me contento que te haya gustado 🙂