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Overcoming Anxiety: One Mom’s Journey

In this week's podcast, I interview author and life coach, Adacelis Pérez. This delightful mamacita from Puerto Rico shares her journey. A mother's fight to overcome depression and anxiety while navigating thru divorce and illness. It's an honest and open conversation about the challenges of motherhood and an invitation to seek out a more mindful and intentional connection with our children. I trust this episode will bring hope to any mamacita feeling anxious during motherhood. In addition, I hope it sheds some light on the taboo subjects of anxiety and depression. My wish for you is...

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Transforming Negative Emotions With Physiology

This week's podcast in English deals with the topic of physiology and is the first of a three part series about the art of transforming negative emotions into positive ones. In this three part series, I’m going to share with you the three things you need to shift in your life in order to experience more fulfillment and more joy. Emotional Mastery Yes, I’m talking about emotional mastery--how to control and redirect your emotions. The reason this is so important is because there is a direct correlation between the emotions you experience on a consistent basis and...

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