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Feng Shui and the Law of Attraction

Interview with Anita Adrain, Certified Essential Feng Shui Practitioner. Anita is a creative, environmental healer, connecting the seen and the unseen energies in the physical space called home. In this episode she talks about her passion: Feng Shui, the ancient study of energy and how all things are interconnected. She also discusses the Law of Attraction as it applies to this timeless practice. “The potential to enhance and accelerate every fundamental aspect of your life lies within the walls of your home environment.” Listen to your self-improvement here 🎙 🙌 ⬇️ Cluttered House; Cluttered Mind Feeling overwhelmed, tied...

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Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows

woman focusing

This week's podcast in English deals with the topic of focus and how your pattern of focus tremendously influences the feelings you experience on a regular basis. It is the second of a three part series about the art of transforming negative emotions into positive ones. In this three part series, I explore the three things you need to shift in your life in order to experience more fulfillment and joy. We’re delving into the world of emotional mastery— how to control and redirect your emotions. I personally like to call it emotional alchemy. Why...

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