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How to Manifest Your Ideal Life Partner or Spouse

Interview with Jose Antonio Valencia, Life & Relationship Coach. Jose Antonio shares a powerful exercise on how to manifest the love of your life. It's probably not what you'd expect. Manifesting your ideal life partner comes with deep introspection and self-assessment. Are you the one that the one your looking for is looking for? This episode is an invitation to look inward before looking outside yourself. In essence: “You are who you attract.”

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All my single ladies, all my single ladies…

This episode is dedicated to all my single ladies looking to manifest the love of their life.

So if you are looking for an ideal spouse, listen up. My guest for this week is the amazing Life & Relationship Coach, Jose Antonio Valencia.

Jose Antonio has helped many people manifest their ideal spouse. There's actually a strategy to manifesting the right life partner and he shares this process in the episode with us.

According to Jose Antonio Valencia, “whoever you attract in your your life is not determined by what you want but rather by who you are”. In short: “You are who you attract.”

couple manifesting love

Finding the Love of Your Life

The process of manifesting your ideal partner is one of introspection and self-discovery.

When searching for a spouse, most people have a tendency to look outside themselves. They erroneously search for someone to “complete” them in order to fulfill a list of unmet expectations.

However, Jose Antonio Valencia is here to tell us that it is up to every one of us to complete ourselves.

Think of it like this: incomplete people attract incomplete people.

Our ideal life partner is not supposed to complete us but rather complement us.

Therefore, the real work in looking for the right partner happens when we look inward and work on ourselves first.

Your life only becomes better when you become better.

Jose Antonio Valencia instructs us to genuinely ask ourselves: “Am I the one that the one I'm looking for is looking for?”

finding your ideal life partner

Four Step Exercise on How to Manifest the Right Partner

The first step in manifesting the right partner is to write a list describing your ideal husband or wife.

In this initial step it is important to “get rid of the fluff,” as Jose Antonio says, and to focus on the non-negotiables. In other words: What are the ideal character traits of your ideal partner, their values, and guiding principles?

This is not a list of external or physical requisites. We are going beyond skin deep.

Key questions during this part of the exercise are: Is this person family oriented? Do they want kids? Is faith an important factor to consider? What is their career vision? What are their health habits? How financially responsible is this individual?

The second step towards manifesting your ideal partner is to ask yourself: What kind of ideal partner is this ideal partner looking for?

Now that you've laid out a multitude of characteristics you are looking for, it is time to list the traits this ideal partner is searching for in their partner.

For example, if you are looking for someone who is financially stable and responsible, what kind of partner is this person looking for financially? (Perhaps someone equally responsible with their money.)

goal for relationship coach

Here comes the hard part.

The third step of the exercise is self-assessment. Now that you've outlined the type of person your ideal partner is looking for, it is time to assess whether you fit that mold or not.

Put an check mark or an x mark next to each quality depending on whether you exhibit these traits or not.

Here you will discover what you have to work on in order to become the ideal partner of your ideal partner. It's also the perfect time to ask yourself: Is this the person I really want to become regardless of the person I want to attract?

Perhaps you realize: no, that's not who you want to become. Or perhaps, it's exactly who you want to work on becoming. If that's the case, this becomes a blueprint for all the things you want to progress towards.

From the Ideal Spouse to the Ideal Relationship

The fourth and final step towards manifesting the right partner is to imagine what your ideal relationship looks like.

Why are these people so good together? Why are they a power couple? What can these two amazing individuals achieve together?

In this step you will be exploring the power of synergy. Synergy is defined as the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.

There is tremendous power when two individuals align their visions and purpose. Their impact on their family, community and world multiplies exponentially.

So feel compelled in this part of the exercise to visualize your ideal synergetic partnership in which each individual is the other's helper, cheerleader and best friend.

key to finding love

Manifesting Your Ideal Partner:
Patterns Over Potential

One final thought…

Many people fall in love with another individual's potential but Jose Antonio Valencia warns us that this can be a pitfall.

Rather than looking for potential it is wiser to examine the other person's patterns. Someone can have loads of potential and yet never utilize it.

Patterns, however, validate potential. Patterns determine whether someone is aligned with your goals and aspirations.

So the next time you date, observe the other person's patterns. Do they exhibit patterns that align with your non-negotiables? These patterns have to do with health, finance, spirituality, or character traits you deem of high importance.

And of course, what are YOUR patterns?

Tell us mamacita, what are your non-negotiables or the characteristics of your ideal life partner? Moreover, are you committing to manifesting the right partner?

Write your thoughts on the episodes on the comments below. 👇🏾👇🏼👇🏻👇🏿

You can follow Jose Antonio Valencia on his IG @joseantonio.valencia

Jose Antonio Valencia, Life and Relationship Coach

FYI, Jose Antonio Valencia is going to be doing an online intensive on how to manifest the love of your life so if you want to dive deeper into this process send him a DM. Plus, make sure to tell him you heard about him on our podcast to get your discount code for the course.

Download his exercise on how to manifest your ideal partner here. ⬇️

Remember, don't be a mama con drama. Let's be Mamas Con Ganas!

May you manifest the love of your life. ❤️❤️❤️



P.S. If you liked this episode, make sure to check out this one:

The Power of Accountability

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Inspiring and empowering Latinas con humor y positivismo. Aquí se habla Espanglish. Don't be a mama con drama. Let's be Mamas Con Ganas!