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Become Unstoppable

I talk about all the mental monsters you will have to face and defeat in order to become truly unstoppable. Learn how to recognize the resistance that will inevitably try to hold you back from success. Conquer your fears, let go of your insecurities, gain self-confidence, embrace the challenges to come and persist in your journey. In order to succeed and make your dreams come true, you must develop grit and step into courage...

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How to Overcome Nervousness

Overcoming Nervousness

On this week's episode I talk about how to overcome nervousness so you can step into any situation with confidence, determination and power. Whether you're preparing for a job interview, a public speaking gig, or going out on a first date, this episode is for you. Say goodbye to performance anxiety, get past your nerves and crush it!  Listen to your self-improvement podcast HERE 🎧🔥⬇️ People talk a lot about the magic of stepping outside of our comfort zone these days. At this point, we all know it's the only way to really grow and expand as...

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How to Tap Into Your Intuition

On this week's podcast I talk about how to tap into your intuitive self and how to strengthen your intuition. It's an invitation to start listening to your divine intelligence so you can make better decisions and step into a state where things flow naturally. Listen to episode here 👇👇👇 Interestingly enough, I recorded this over two years ago. However, for some strange reason I never got around to releasing it. Well, I found it this week as I was organizing files on my computer. Immediately, I was taken aback by the timeless message I had recorded....

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Conquer Your Fears

illustrates facing fear

This podcast episode is all on how to overcome fear. I share the triad you can use to obliterate fear and I share some insights from a very famous book on fear: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. There's no denying it. Fear can be both paralyzing and debilitating if we don't tame it. It can even hold us back from taking the first step towards our goals.  But, if channeled in the right direction, we can turn the pain of our fear into power. 💪 Pain vs Power In her book, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, Susans Jeffers says: "If...

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Overcoming Fear of Criticism

This week's podcast in English is about how to overcome the fear of criticism.   I dedicate this episode to anyone who's ever felt their life is being dictated by the opinions of others or the expectations of others because they fear being judged. My intention with this podcast is to help you step into your authentic self so you may live a life filled with true freedom of self expression. 💖😃     Sometimes we may chose to act in a certain way merely because we fear what others may think if we act differently. These choices are disempowering. They leave...

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How to Overcome Fear

Feeling the Fear Para Superar El Miedo Let’s face it: if fear didn’t exist, we would be unstoppable and absolutely fierce all of the time. Pero la realidad es que la mayoría de personas le tenemos miedo al fracaso. We fear being ridiculed. We fear not being accepted or loved. Sometimes fear can be paralyzing because there seems to be a voice in our head screaming: ¿Quien eres tu para intentar eso?   Hey courageous mamacita! Today we’re coming face to face with our deepest fears and looking them dead in eye.   In the name of October, el mes de Halloween,...

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