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Overcoming Fear of Criticism

This week's podcast in English is about how to overcome the fear of criticism.
I dedicate this episode to anyone who's ever felt their life is being dictated by the opinions of others or the expectations of others because they fear being judged. My intention with this podcast is to help you step into your authentic self so you may live a life filled with true freedom of self expression. 💖😃



Sometimes we may chose to act in a certain way merely because we fear what others may think if we act differently. These choices are disempowering. They leave us feeling restrained and somewhere deep inside we know we are being inauthentic… meaning, we secretly wish we had the to courage to do something else.


I think we all know when we are doing things to please others rather than listening to our own gut or heart's desire. When we do things out of fear of criticism, there is a sense of deep disappointment within, as if we were selling ourselves short. 🙁




Today Chose Courage

So think about something you’ve always wanted to do or be a part of but you haven’t because you worry about being criticized or ridiculed…something that’s been tugging at your heart for years. 🤔😳


In my experience, if it’s been tugging at your heart for years, it ain’t likely to go away mamacita!
You’ll either have to gather the courage to finally go and do it or die wishing you had done things differently.
I read the other day that people who live to be really old hardly ever regret what they did wrong. Instead, they regret what they didn’t try. How about that? And yet, we live in fear and in paralysis because God forbid we take up a hobby that others consider unreasonable OR we change our career path because the current one doesn't feel one bit fulfilling.


Chose your own destination..

On one of my previous episodes, The Power of Accountability, I talk a lot about taking the pilot’s seat in your life. This is a continuation of that idea because you are not really the pilot of your life if others are picking the destination for you. In essence, you wont’ be happy with your arrival destination if you don’t chose it for yourself.
Are you happy with your choice of destination? 🛬👩‍✈️
Age is a funny thing… on the one hand it can make you more fearful and aware of what you’re not “supposed” to do OR it can propel you to be more courageous. You look back at the time you’ve wasted on things you didn’t care about and feel the clock ticking. This can push you over the edge so that you finally take action. However, before you take action, you need to take inventory of the things you’ve denied yourself.
So, when was the last time you didn’t do what you wanted because you cared more about what other people would think? Are you constantly questioning yourself?


Here's what I know for sure: when you aren’t in alignment with your deepest desires something inside you dies or shuts off. Life just looses its zest.




Step into your power…

So, don't waste another day. Learn how to be fierce, courageous and authentically YOU.


In this podcast, I share 6 insights to consider so you can overcome the fear of criticism. 💪💪💪

  1.  Realize that no matter what you do there will always be haters. So, don't waste your time on trying to please everyone because it's an impossible battle to win. 💁‍♀️
  2. Stay away from negativity and remove yourself from the naysayers. Remember, if you're trying to take a courageous action, you need courageous people around you. 👍😃
  3. You've got one life to live. That's it! So live it to the fullest. Today is the youngest you'll ever be. 🙌💞
  4. Get out of your head. Don't overthink things. Too much analysis produces paralysis. 🤯 Just do it! ✅
  5. Realize you are only the center of YOUR universe. Same goes for everyone else. It's useless to worry about what others think of you. While you're worrying about other's opinions of you, they are in turn worrying about what everybody else thinks of THEM. 🤔😂


I hope this episode brings you some insights. My wish for you is courage, mamacita… courage to live according to the dictates of you true desires rather than in the fears of what others may think.


Does fear of criticism ever paralyze you?


Hope to see you in the comments below. ⬇️😉
Remember, don't be mama con drama. Let's be Mamas Con Ganas!



Know that I'm rooting for you






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Inspiring and empowering Latinas con humor y positivismo. Aquí se habla Espanglish. Don't be a mama con drama. Let's be Mamas Con Ganas!