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Anger as a Sign for Personal Transformation

We discuss wrath and how to transform anger into our greatest teacher. Is it possible to use the emotion of anger in a positive way? How can we transform unharnessed anger or wrath into the type of fuel that transforms our life for the better? This episode is part of a series where we talk about the seven deadly sins from the perspective of self-improvement and possibility. Listen to your self-improvement podcast here 🎧💖 ⬇️ Follow us on social media @mamasconganas Tell us mamacita: Are you able to transform your anger into fuel for something constructive? Share your thoughts...

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Contentment Versus Overindulgence

This episode is dedicated to anyone struggling with overeating or over drinking. My husband and I talk about gluttony, uncovering our emotional impulses, and finding the sweet spot between enjoyment and discipline. "Contentment Versus Overindulgence" is part of a series where we discuss the seven deadly sins from the perspective of self-help and possibility. Listen to your self-improvement podcast here 🎧💖 ⬇️ Follow us on social media @mamasconganas Share your thoughts on the topic and the episode below. Don't be a mama con drama. Let's be Mamas Con Ganas! Besitos, 😘😘 Valentina ...

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Overcoming Laziness

overcoming laziness

This episode is dedicated to anyone struggling with laziness. My husband and I talk about sloth and how it can show up in any area of our lives and keep us from accomplishing our goals. "Overcoming Laziness" is part of a series where we discuss the seven deadly sins from the perspective of self-help and possibility. How does sloth manifest itself in your life? What can we do to overcome our impulse to stay in our comfort zone? Listen to your self-improvement podcast here 🎧💖 ⬇️ Let us know your thoughts, Mamacita. How do you go about...

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Angeles, Sanación, y Linaje Ancestral Con Lina Montoya

Entrevista con Lina Montoya, coach y consteladora ancestral. Lina nos habla sobre las terapias alternativas que ella ofrece para ayudar a sus clientes con la sanación. También nos explica de que se tratan las constelaciones familiares y las terapias grupales que ella organiza para sanar tanto el linaje materno como paterno. Además, entramos en el tema de los angeles como guías espirituales. Es una conversación muy interesante que te hará reflexionar sobre todo lo inexplicable. Escucha tu podcast de desarrollo personal aquí 🎧🙌 ⬇️ Si quieres aprender más sobre la sanación de tu linaje ancestral, puedes seguir...

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Discussing Lust from a Self-help Perspective

In this episode, we have a fun and open discussion on lust from the perspective of self-development. We discuss the consequences that come from unharnessed sexual pursuit and the void not even great sex can fill. This episode is part of a series where my husband and I discuss the seven "deadly sins" from the point of view of possibility. It's not about what's right or wrong but rather about what works and doesn't work. Join the conversation! What are you lusting after? Listen to your self-improvement podcast here 🎧💖 ⬇️ ...

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Pride: Virtue or Vice

A discussion on pride from the self-help perspective. In this seven part series, my husband and I discuss the deadly sins from the point of view of possibility. What's beyond envy, pride, lust, gluttony, greed, wrath and sloth? How can we examine our personal weaknesses and turn them into strengths? Listen to your self-improvement podcast here 🎧💖⬇️ What did you think of the episode, Mamacita? How does pride show up in your life? How do you stay humble? Leave us your thoughts and comments below. Don't be a mama con drama. Let's be Mamas Con Ganas! Besitos, 😘😘 Valentina #InspiredMamacita P.S. If...

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Cómo Superar tu Resistencia Interior

Este episodio está dedicado a las personas que buscan superar sus impedimentos, obstáculos y desafíos para poder lograr sus sueños. Hablo sobre esa resistencia interior que se presenta inoportunamente para distraernos de nuestra tarea divina. Recuerda: mientras más ambiciosa sea tu meta, más grande será la resistencia con la que te vas a enfrentar. Por lo tanto, aprende a superar tu batalla interna y así lograrás tus objetivos. Escucha tu podcast de desarrollo personal aquí 🎧💖 ⬇️ Hola Mamacita, Hay un dicho que dice que sólo existen dos cosas, las excusas y los resultados. Y si yo te preguntara:...

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Eliminating Envy

Eliminating Envy

This episode is dedicated to anyone caught up in the endless comparison game wishing their life was somehow different. My husband and I talk about a simple exercise you can do to start eliminating envy from your life. There is a way to transform your envy into good vibes and motivation. FYI: it's way easier than you think. Listen to your self-improvement podcast here 🎧💖⬇️ Hi Mamacita, Eliminating Envy is the first episode of a seven part series where my husband and I discuss the deadly sins from the point of view of possibility. What's beyond envy, pride,...

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Utilizando la Danza para tu Bienestar con Yuliria Figueroa

Entrevista con Yuliria Figueroa, psicóloga y creadora del método Danzabienestar. Yuliria nos habla sobre la danza en atención plena y cómo el baile consciente puede ser una herramienta para lograr sanación, bienestar, apoderamiento y auto-realización. Escucha tu podcast de desarrollo personal aquí 🎧💖 ⬇️ Hola Mamacita, Si te gusta bailar, te va a encantar el episodio de esta semana. 💃🏽♥️ Entrevisto a Yuliria Figueroa, psicóloga y creadora de Danzabienestar. Yuliria es amante del baile y utiliza su preparación como psicóloga y bailarina para brindar herramientas de bienestar a sus clientes a través del baile consciente. El baile consciente incorpora, al...

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5 Reasons to Become Financially Empowered

In this episode we talk about 5 crucial reasons it is essential for women to become financially educated. Some of the statistics will shock you. Learn the WHY you need to get financially organized so that you can get motivated to learn more about money and plan for your financial future. There is no female empowerment without financial empowerment. So let's get started, mamacita! Listen to your female empowerment podcast here 🎧💖⬇️ Let us know your thoughts on the episode. Remember, don't be a mama con drama. Let's be Mamas Con Ganas! Besitos, 😘😘 Valentina #AbundantMamacita #InspiredMamacita P.S. If you like...

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