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7 Steps to Transforming Anger with Our Kids

Interview with Afshan Tafler, Conscious Parenting Coach and Holistic Life Coach. Afshan talks about how to break reactive anger patterns with your kids so you can have more calm and connection in your family. She also shares the 7 steps to transforming anger, the conscious way. If you want to learn how to master emotional stress, this episode is for you.

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Are you guilty of the same thing as me???

Dear Mamacita,

Here's my confession: I get ANGRY. And I know I'm not the only one…

Have you ever been so frustrated and upset, and then felt so guilty after taking it out on your loved ones??

Trust me, there are moments – especially during these uncertain and stressful times – that I say or do things I wish I hadn't. 😬

I won’t lie. 2020 has been a challenging year, particularly with regards to motherhood. Let’s be real, motherhood has never been a walk in the park. But this year… holy moly! It’s like us moms never seem to get a break. Seriously, most of us have experienced heightened stress and anxiety this year.

And our kids feel it… heck, they receive the major burden of our stress. 

Moms often feel ashamed when they yell, get frustrated or angry with their children.

Here's a little known secret: there are tools you can learn to cope with anger. My podcast guest this week, Afshan Tafler, actually teaches the 7 steps to transforming anger.

I'm sure you are aware that there is shame and guilt associated with being angry. Many parents feel like they are alone and they don't want to talk about it.

BUT I DO!!! One of the things that helped me HEAL was to TALK about it. 🙌

Yes, it can be UNCOMFORTABLE, but the thing about anger is none of us really learned how to be with this powerful emotion in a healthy way!

This can change – for good. Join me THIS FRIDAY to find out how!

Are YOU ready to talk about HEALING your anger?

Click here: to join the conversation on the steps to transforming anger.

I was stuck in my anger. I'm sharing this with you because I know (first hand) that it's possible to create a loving, connected and joyful relationship with your child(ren).

One of my dear friends Natalie, whom you know through my podcast found a transformative course on anger that changed her life! And now we're sharing the information with all of you.

The 7-Steps to Transforming Anger – The Conscious Way helped her get to the root cause of her reoccurring frustrations. She learned healthy ways to be with her anger as well as guide her children through their emotions, even when she was ‘triggered'.

Steps to Transforming Anger

And now we want to help you!

I'll be hosting a FREE LIVE session about anger with two of my good friends: Natalie and Afshan (the creator of the course).

Join us this Friday for a LIVE discussion around ANGER as we:

✅ Discuss our relationships with anger, which is often seen as ‘bad' or ‘shameful.'

✳️ Share the ups and downs of embarking on this conscious journey. 

✅ Talk about some tools that can heal anger at the root cause.

✳️ Invite YOU to listen, learn, ask questions, and get some tips and strategies on how to manage this powerful emotion.


Date: Friday November 13th
Time: 11:30am EST
How: Register here for the Zoom event (it's FREE!)

Want to get a head start? Afshan shares how to begin transforming your anger in this FREE Webinar7 Steps To Transforming Anger – The Conscious Way

We've all been there. Together, Natalie, Afshan and myself want to help mamas around the world break reactive anger patterns and move to a deeper level of calm, connection and trust with their loved ones.

So don't miss this opportunity and register for the free event.

And tell us: what do you struggle with in terms of managing your anger and frustrations as a mom? Share your thoughts below.

Remember, don't be a mama con drama. Let's be Mamas Con Ganas! 💃🏽💃🏻💃🏿💃🏼

Besitos, 😘


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Inspiring and empowering Latinas con humor y positivismo. Aquí se habla Espanglish. Don't be a mama con drama. Let's be Mamas Con Ganas!