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Los beneficios del ejercicio físico durante la pandemia

Entrevista con José David Acevedo, entrenador físico personal basado en Medellín, Colombia. José David nos habla sobre los innumerables beneficios del ejercicio físico, entre éstos, sentirnos satisfechos, fuertes y felices en estos tiempos de pandemia. Incrementa tu bienestar y alivia tu nivel de estrés y el de tu pareja e hijos creando un espacio para entrenar en familia. Como nos aconseja José David: "Lo importante es iniciar." Escucha tu podcast de desarrollo personal aquí 👇🏾👇🏽👇🏻👇🏿 Está de más decir que nuestras vidas han cambiado muchísimo en este año de pandemia mundial. Independientemente del país adonde nos...

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El poder del lenguaje para el dominio emocional

poder del lenguaje

El podcast de esta semana trata sobre el poder del hábito de tu lenguaje para lograr el dominio emocional. ¡El significado que le atribuyes a una situación lo es todo! Y las palabras que uses para describir una experiencia cambiará el significado de lo que sientas y las emociones que experimentas al describirlo.  En esta serie de tres podcasts sobre cómo transformar las emociones negativas en positivas, profundizamos en el mundo del dominio emocional--cómo controlar y redirigir tus emociones para poder experimentar otras emociones más positivas.  Y si ya has escuchado la parte 1 y 2,...

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The Power of Language and Meaning

This week's podcast in English is all about the power of language and how the meaning we attribute to our experiences determines the emotions we feel on a consistent basis. This episode is the culmination of our three part series on the art of transforming negative emotions into positive ones. In this three part series, I examine three simple shifts you can to make in order to experience more joy and fulfillment. This series is inspired by Tony Robbins’ 4 day workshop, Unleash the Power Within. During this workshop, Tony introduces you to the concept of...

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Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows

woman focusing

This week's podcast in English deals with the topic of focus and how your pattern of focus tremendously influences the feelings you experience on a regular basis. It is the second of a three part series about the art of transforming negative emotions into positive ones. In this three part series, I explore the three things you need to shift in your life in order to experience more fulfillment and joy. We’re delving into the world of emotional mastery— how to control and redirect your emotions. I personally like to call it emotional alchemy. Why...

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Transforming Negative Emotions With Physiology

This week's podcast in English deals with the topic of physiology and is the first of a three part series about the art of transforming negative emotions into positive ones. In this three part series, I’m going to share with you the three things you need to shift in your life in order to experience more fulfillment and more joy. Emotional Mastery Yes, I’m talking about emotional mastery--how to control and redirect your emotions. The reason this is so important is because there is a direct correlation between the emotions you experience on a consistent basis and...

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