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Overcoming Loss with Gilza Fort-Martinez

Gilza Fort-Martinez, licensed marriage and family therapist, talks to us about navigating loss, uncertainty and sudden change. Gilza has over 25 years experience in helping women process grief. Whether it's the loss of a loved one, the loss of status, the loss of a job or the loss of a marriage, her words will remind you that "this too shall pass."  What's required for healing is time, willingness, guidance, and self-introspection. Listen to your self-improvement podcast here 🎧🙌⬇️: Dear Mamacita,There's no use denying it: loss can be devastating.🥺 Whether it's the loss of a loved one, the loss...

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Fulfilling our Basic Human Needs: Why we Do What We Do

Pyramid of Basic Needs

Ever wonder why we do what we do? Particularly things that are unhealthy and don’t serve you, ever question why you keep doing it over and over? One theory is that this destructive act or habit is fulfilling one of our basic human needs. To understand our needs is to understand why we do what we do. We can gain valuable insight as to what drives us to certain addictions and what those addictions may be trying to tell us about our needs. Once we understand our subconscious motivations there is a window for self-compassion and perhaps...

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Staying Positive Amidst Chaos


I hope this blog post finds you safe and well, Mamacita. 💖🙏 I realize many people have been experiencing more anxiety in the last few weeks due to the drastic changes to our routines brought on by the current pandemic. Therefore, my intention with this post is to bring you positivity and light. I wanted to share the latest episode of the Mamas Con Ganas Podcast: How to Stay Positive Amidst Chaos. 🎙 Click below to listen. 🎧 Seems like our world is a bit topsy turvy in the present. Hence, I decided to change things up a bit and...

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