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Staying Positive Amidst Chaos


I hope this blog post finds you safe and well, Mamacita. 💖🙏

I realize many people have been experiencing more anxiety in the last few weeks due to the drastic changes to our routines brought on by the current pandemic. Therefore, my intention with this post is to bring you positivity and light.

I wanted to share the latest episode of the Mamas Con Ganas Podcast: How to Stay Positive Amidst Chaos.

🎙 Click below to listen. 🎧

Seems like our world is a bit topsy turvy in the present. Hence, I decided to change things up a bit and do something unusual.

My guest for this week is the very first man to be featured on the podcast… my husband, Dr. Mark Limosani.

Yep, that's right. 🤣

Due to the fact that he's been home WAY more than usualprimarily because he's only treating emergency patientsI thought it would be interesting to invite him on the show.

So, we recorded an episode together and are bringing you the dynamics of a couple Con Ganas to share how we stay positive amidst chaos.

Remaining Optimistic Despite Turmoil

Mark and I have done many self-help workshops together in the past and we credit these experiences for strengthening our relationship. Without an ounce of a doubt, the lessons accrued help us see the world from a more positive and energizing perspective.

In addition, these tools help us navigate turbulent waters both individually and as a couple. In short, they are transformational in handling our emotions and in overcoming the fears and limiting beliefs that would otherwise hold us back.

Plus, if there's a time to share and use those self-help tools, it's now. 🙌

I don't know about you, but lately I've repeatedly caught myself wanting to wrap my arms around the planet and just radiate love and healing. 🌎❤️

Anyways, I think you'll really enjoy this week's episode. It's a real and fun conversation that puts a positive spin on the current state of the world.

In addition, it will help you stay positive by shifting your focus on the right things:

  • Gratitude
  • Simple pleasures
  • Surrendering what you can't control
  • Exploring and learning something new
  • Self-introspection
  • Strengthening a relationship with a loved one
  • Finding clarity by the removal of everyday distractions

A Perfect time to Turn Our Dramas Into Ganas

As always, let me know your thoughts with regards to the episode in the comments below.

What is the most challenging thing you're facing in light of all these changes to your routine?

Finally, I wanted to encourage you to look at this period of social distancing as a time for internal healing. Do not be discouraged, mamacita. Challenges are opportunities… opportunities for growth and opportunities for gaining wisdom.

Of course, as I like to put it: Don't be a mama con drama. Let's be Mamas Con Ganas! 💃🏻💃🏿💃🏼💃🏽

As women, we are pillars of our families and our communities. May we be the examples of courage, strength and compassion we wish to see in the world. 🌙💜🙌

Sending you a big contact-free virtual hug. 🤗


P.S. Don't forget to share the podcast and video with anyone who might need it. 💝

P.P.S. Are there any topics you'd like me to discuss in a future episode?

Other Podcast Episodes you might want to check out at this time:

I got your back, Mamacita. Consuming the right content is crucial for staying positive. So if you're needing more positivity, check out these past episodes. 🤗

Lastly, here's one of my favorite influencers, Marie Forleo, sharing her Pandemic Support Guide.

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  • Laura Limosani

    Great and enlightening podcast. It confirms that we are experiencing similar emotions but is a reminder that there is a silver lining if we look for it.

    March 28, 2020 at 5:24 pm Reply

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Inspiring and empowering Latinas con humor y positivismo. Aquí se habla Espanglish. Don't be a mama con drama. Let's be Mamas Con Ganas!