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Conquer Your Fears

illustrates facing fear

This podcast episode is all on how to overcome fear. I share the triad you can use to obliterate fear and I share some insights from a very famous book on fear: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway.

There's no denying it. Fear can be both paralyzing and debilitating if we don't tame it. It can even hold us back from taking the first step towards our goals. 

But, if channeled in the right direction, we can turn the pain of our fear into power. 💪

Pain vs Power

In her book, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, Susans Jeffers says: “If everybody feels fear when approaching something totally new in life yet so many are out there ‘doing it' despite the fear, then we must conclude that fear is not the problem.”

After, she goes on to explain that you can hold fear in two ways. You can hold fear from a position of pain OR you can hold fear from a position of power. 

If you hold fear from a position of pain you will feel helpless, depressed and it will paralyze you. However, if you hold fear from a position of power you will make choices, create energy and take action. 

The fact that you have fear then becomes irrelevant. You feel the fear and what? That’s right, you do it anyway.

Reclaiming Your Power

I've discovered that the path to reclaiming your power can be found by calling forth these three things:

  • Faith
  • Love
  • Action

If you nurture your faith, do things from a place of love and take action, you become a little more courageous each day. These three things expand your comfort zone and help conquer your fears.

Feed Your Faith and Your Fears Will Starve to Death

Let's start with the first ingredient on how to overcome fear. One of the most important things you can do to reclaim your power is to nurture your faith… faith in yourself and more importantly, in a higher power.

I can't stress this enough. In dire situations, faith is the one thing that can pull you through. The alternative is hopelessness–which is considered the devil's most prized possession.

“Faith is not the belief that God will do what you want. It is the belief that God will do what is right.”

Faith is the belief that everything happens for a reason and that you’re on the right path, even if you don’t get the results you are after.

Therefore, I encourage you to adopt the belief that God has your back no matter what. With this type of mindset, you'll feel life doesn't happen to you but rather for you.

Love lifts us up where we belong…

The second ingredient you need to conquer fear is to focus on love… love for yourself, someone else or something. There is no place for fear where love abides.

You either move in the direction of fear or in the direction of love. To clarify, the road in the direction of love is still scary at times but the alternative is even worse. The only thing on the road to fear is more fear.

However, when your focus is on the love you feel for someone or something, fear loses its power and its grip

Remember: Darkness is merely the absence of light just like fear is merely the absence of love. Bring forth love and you obliterate fear.

Action Precedes Motivation

Finally, the last ingredient in overcoming fear is to take massive action towards your goals.

Taking action will take you from victim to creator. This is where Susan Jeffers' famous quote comes in: “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyways.” Note she doesn't say feel the fear and think about it.

Too much analysis causes paralysis. In addition, over analyzing will lead you directly into the rabbit hole of self-doubt, helplessness, depression, and hence, pain.

Remember, the cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek. So let’s get past our fears and move courageously in the direction of our dreams. 

Most people think you should wait for motivation to strike before taking action, but in actuality, action precedes motivation. Take action and motivation is likely to follow. Wait for motivation, or worse, wait for fear to go away, and you'll never get started.

Therefore, conquer your fears by taking massive action. Just do it!

Commit… Obliterate Fear

Think of something you fear. What’s it for you?

  • Fear of … confrontation
  • Fear of … asking for a raise
  • Fear of… quitting your job
  • Fear of … getting married
  • Fear of… asking for a divorce
  • Fear of… losing a loved one
  • Fear of… aging
  • Fear of… public speaking
  • Fear of… asserting yourself

Certainly, something you dream of or hope for is is tied to that fear.

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek.

Joseph Campbell

Let’s get more granular and specific with that fear. 

What does that fear of doing that thing look like? Does it look like fear of failure, the fear of success, the fear of inadequacy, the fear of rejection, the fear of change, or perhaps the fear of criticism?

So now, if you had the guts to do, or were made to confront that which you fear, what would you wish to accomplish? What does that look like? What’s the upside of confronting your fear?

Consequently, do you see how on the other side of what you fear lies a treasure?

An Invitation to Conquer Your Fears

I invite you to listen to the podcast today and take an inner journey with me. Examine your shadows and conquer your fears. 

Take those monsters, rats and skeletons out of the closet. Remember, what you resist, persists. Might as well shed light on the dark aspects of yourself.

I promise you: it can be a transformational experience, one that can help you reclaim your power.

After you listen to the podcast, l'd be ever so grateful if you left me a comment and let me know.

What fear will you commit to facing head on?

Let this Halloween be a reminder that many times we make things way scarier than they truly are.

Finally, don't be a mama con drama. Let's be Mamas Con Ganas! 💃🏼💃🏽💃🏻💃🏿

Wickedly Yours, 🎃💖


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Inspiring and empowering Latinas con humor y positivismo. Aquí se habla Espanglish. Don't be a mama con drama. Let's be Mamas Con Ganas!