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Transforming Negative Emotions With Physiology

This week's podcast in English deals with the topic of physiology and is the first of a three part series about the art of transforming negative emotions into positive ones. In this three part series, I’m going to share with you the three things you need to shift in your life in order to experience more fulfillment and more joy.

Emotional Mastery

Yes, I’m talking about emotional mastery–how to control and redirect your emotions. The reason this is so important is because there is a direct correlation between the emotions you experience on a consistent basis and the quality of your life. Positive emotions produce a good quality of life. Similarly, negative emotions produce a bad quality of life.

For example, if we spend a lot of time feeling things like anger, anxiety, depression and sadness, our lives won’t feel very fulfilling. In addition, our actions will not be ideal because they will be influenced by those negative emotions. On the flip side, if we consistently experience joy, gratitude, excitement, and enthusiasm, chances are we will describe our lives as more gratifying and meaningful. Therefore, being intentional with the emotions we gravitate towards on a daily basis is crucial.

Certainly seems simple enough except most of us go around thinking our emotions control us rather than the other way around. Most people think emotions are a result of an experience rather than a choice.

Young woman on the street with a big smile Transforming Negative Emotions into positive ones

You have more control than you think…

What if I told you there is a way to control the emotions in your life? What if you could change your anger into joy or sadness into gratitude? Well there is, there is a way of transforming negative emotions into positive ones and that’s what I’m going to share. I first came across this information about two years ago when I attended Tony Robbin's Unleash the Power Within. I can honestly say that when put to practice, these principles can change, not only your perspective, but your life.

So if you want to make positive changes in your life you will need to learn emotional mastery. This means consistently putting yourself into a positive state… or as Tony calls it, a peak state.

two young women facing a lake with a victory pose

The Forces That Control Your Emotions

Emotions are a result of the following three forces:

1) Your physiology or how you use your physical body. (This includes your upper breath, posture and movement.)

2) Your pattern of focus (Perhaps you're familiar with the phrase: Where focus goes energy flows. Or simply put: what you focus on, you feel.)

3) Your pattern of Language (Whatever language we use to describe an experience will change the meaning we experience, and hence, produce a subsequent emotion.)

In this podcast, we delve deep into how your physiology plays a role in determining your emotions.

two happy women exercising outdoors

Transforming Negative Emotions by Breaking Your Physical Pattern

We may not be conscious of it, but the way we stand, how we walk, and how we use our hands, all play a role in how we feel.

When we feel insecure, we hold ourselves in a particular way. All of us. It’s not particular to one human being; it’s universal. In contrast, when we feel confident we hold ourselves in a very different manner.

Have you ever watched a foreign film and even though you didn’t understand a things they were saying you could tell how they were feeling? That’s because we all use our bodies in the same way to express certain feelings. There is a universal expression for pain just like there is a universal expression for joy. There may be subtleties or nuances between different cultures, but ultimately, you can tell when someone is expressing pain or joy.

So, knowing that this is so, how do we shift our physiology so that we might start shifting our insecurity into confidence for example? Well, what we want to do is consciously break the pattern of what we are doing with our physical body when we are experiencing a negative emotion.

Valentina in front of a mural on a power posture Transforming Negative Emotions into positive ones
Sometimes all you need is to shift your posture.

Sweat it off!

Exercising is one of the best ways to do this because we have to move our bodies in different ways. Have you ever heard the expression: sweat it off? And have you ever experienced being in a bad mood and feeling loads better after working out? This is because you are making a change in your physiology.

There is science to back me up. Actually, research shows that exercising can combat depression. Of course, it’s hard to drag our butts to the gym when were are feeling down. However, that’s when we really need to force ourselves to do it! Unfortunately, most people turn to alcohol, smoking, meaningless sex or some other destructive habit. They want to numb their pain, but this just makes things worse.

Exercise to fight the blues

According to Harvard School of Medicine, exercise is an all-natural treatment to combat depression. Their studies prove that pills are not the only solution. In accordance with their data, even “low intensity exercise sustained over time” is an effective long-term treatment.

So, the next time you are feeling anger, or any other negative emotion, I invite you take a walk, go to the gym, or just dance. I guarantee you’ll feel better.

A young woman Transforming Negative Emotions into positive ones wearing exercise outfit jogging on the sidewalk next to a garden

What about you?

So, what negative emotions do you gravitate to? How does your body feel when you enter those emotions? What physical action could you take the next time you feel this way in order to break up your pattern?

After you listen to the episode, I’d love to get your thoughts on the topic. So make sure to share your takeaways on the comments below.

Plus, remember this is only part 1 of a 3 part series on transforming negative emotions into positive ones. If you really want to learn the alchemy of transforming your emotions you'll definitely want to listen to part 2 and part 3 as well. I'm telling you, it only gets juicier.

Here's to transforming our anger into gratitude and our sadness into joy. Heck yeah, mamacita! 🙌💖💪


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